Judy's baby Emily had a birthday recently, and Judy had a One-year party for her, which was a hoot because all the moms from the Mommy and Me playgroup came and brought their own one-year olds. One of the things Judy says is that it gets a lot harder to maintain your personal style when you live with someone who's constantly emitting various fluids, and the One-year party was a hilarious (for me) combination of drool and cake icing and runny ice cream. Imagine a dozen babies in party clothes, half of them screaming and half mashing cake through their tiny fists, and you have the general idea. Throw in an elegantly-groomed Golden Retriever (who ate a lot of cake off the ground, resulting in a genteel bout of vomiting under the table) and a bunch of Mommies in their own softly-flowered frocks, and you have the whole picture.
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